
Tensioner pulley and assembly2022-11-04

Automobile tensioner bearing units are mainly used in the tension adjustment or special adjustment of the camshafts, oil pumps and other transmission timing belts in automobiles and car engines, as well as auxiliary equipment such as generators, air compressors, and power pumps.

Automobile tensioner bearing units aremainly composed of metal stamping parts and bearings. Due to the engines own operating environment characteristics such as large impact load, dust and mud erosion, etc., higher requirements are put forward for their high temperature and high speed durability, lubrication and sealing.

In recent years, with the development of lightweight and low-cost automobiles, foreign bearing manufacturers have begun to use resin instead of metal stamping parts as pulley materials, but there are still problems in chemical resistance, wear resistance and retention . At present, is developing long-life idler bearings that automatically adjust the tension force. Through the development of seals that prevent water and foreign matter from entering, lubricants with strong burn-in resistance, and retainers with less noise, the idler bearing can be automatically tightened with longer life and less noise at low temperatures.